
anybody out there?

i won't blame you if you haven't stuck around. it's been forever since i've written anything interesting or at all on here. yep, school's in full swing again. so far, this semester is a lot more sane and to my taste, even if i'm still super behind and don't feel like i've produced much yet this semester.

so yeah. school. went to toronto for a few days for a field trip, on the coldest days of january. i'll do a photo-filled entry on that eventually. so yeah. nothing to really write since life is pretty much all school all the time.

oh yeah, i have been shortblogging (like shorthand?) on tumblr. i have a mess of bookmarks of things that i don't want to blog here as then this will become a messy scrapbook (not that it's much better than that anyway), and i don't want to broadcast every.single.thing i find via fb statuses. plus most of you and my facebook friends just don't care about most of my nerdy links. if you're still interested, check it out. i have some things besides architecture-related and food politics-related stuff on there. i promise.


  1. Missed you! You sound a little glum. I feel like you've been in school forevah.

  2. I'm still here too! It's good to see your update. I've never checked out tumblr, but now I have reason to. ;)

  3. It's so great to "hear" from you :) I've missed you lots!

  4. out of sight, but definitely not out of mind! you are missed.

  5. out of sight, but definitely not out of mind! you are missed.

  6. hi! glad you're alive. :)

  7. OMG. I couldn't find your "comment" link. I was SO perplexed. [giggling]

  8. I'm still here... I check in every few days.

  9. Got you in the ol' reader... lol

  10. Hello! I'm with ya - when life gets busy it's hard to keep up. Hang in there with school my friend...


comments are tasty!