
the pros to changing your name

just the pros, no cons, as i've whined about those enough.

  1. you get all new plastic, which means you get to cut up all your old ones. if you're like me and enjoy the noise of scissors snip-snap-snipping, this is a very fun time indeed.
  2. you get to reinvent your signature. my old one was craptastic thanks to my 16-year old self who didn't think to practice it before getting her driver's license. my new one is a lot cuter.
  3. attention whores like me love the random comments/emails it garners at work. "oh!!! did you get married??? when? congrats! i bet you were a beautiful bride." why, yes i was, thank you. i have 1,000+ photos to prove it, if you'd like to see all of the proofs. ;)
  4. every time i see it on paper, it reminds me that the bear and i are family now. awwwww. [half gagging, half wallowing in awww-ness.]
  5. the new last name is so much cuter than the old, and it's fun to say. ok, so i know this doesn't apply to every case.

speaking of weddings, our parents went gaga over the simple parent albums i made them for christmas. feel free to recycle. i think i forgot to take photos of them before wrapping them, though. :( bad, picture-less potato. more on our holiday festivities to come.


  1. As stupid as it sounds, one of my concerns about possibly changing my name is that I can't write the first letter of Mr. Monkey's last name in an appealing way. :P

    I'm still Monkey! Ha!

  2. it is kinda fun changing your name :) my signature still pretty much looks the same as i never spelled out all the letters in my old name and can still just make a squiggly line after the first couple letters with my new name too. ha!

  3. Despite the hassle of dealing with the SS and the DMV offices, I was very happy and eager to change my last name. My married one is much easier to spell, pronounce and write!

  4. I've been practicing my new signature since we got engaged. Yes, I'm in the 6th grade.

  5. I still haven't changed my name. But I have a good reason, I swear!

  6. I'm actually a little concerned that people can't pronounce my new last name correctly. Stupid, I know.

  7. Still stubbornly holding onto my maiden ... :)

  8. you absolutely were a beautiful bride :)

    and, i couldn't wait to change my name. even though my signature now consists of sixteen letters. bleh.

  9. I cried for 5 hours the morning after the wedding when it sank in that my last name would be changing. Thankfully the chicken scratch signature is the same. :)

  10. If I changed I would definitely have to get a new signature. I tried it out a couple of times and it was not cute. At.all. Too bad he won't change his last name to mine. ;)


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