

  • blogging. i should be doing quite a few other things. instead, i am blogging. again.
  • i knew monkeys were dangerous.
  • santa ana winds. malibu is burning. so is north san diego county. the bear and i just got back from fontucky. i am just glad we didn't have to venture further in the BFE-almost-desert. we saw lots of tumbleweed, many felled trees, three big rigs on their sides, and an RV on its side. i had to run across the street to borrow something from a neighbor, and i literally had to run in order to avoid being swept sideways down the street. good thing we drove my car and not his truck. i wanted to take photos but didn't have my camera ready the first time and was driving on the return trip.
  • adding three letters to your name. my full name no longer fits on one line of my social security card.


  1. That monkey thing is really scary.

  2. the winds are nutso. i drove home last night from our friend's house and i had a tough time keeping jim's little car in the lane.

  3. dude, i never wanted to be askeered of monkeys. thanks.

  4. The winds are/were crazy strong.


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