

GTA IV craziness is not over yet in the potatobear household. ugh. he is now playing with others around the world. oh, and if you have young boys, please do not let them play this game. it's truly the devil. if we had tots, there would be no GTA playing going on in this house.
my tuesday nights are now free!!! woo hoo! maybe i'll start going to the gym again. or just coming home to veg.
i just finished a wedding gift shopping spree for all the weddings we cannot attend this year. :(
c + e--a couple of months ago. it was on a monday holiday that not everyone (me and a lot of my vendors) gets off. sorry bonaventure, next time.
e + t--this past saturday, in what i'm sure was a super fantabulous manhattan wedding
j + m--i watched this relationship bloom and am so sad not to be there on their special day in raaaa-chester.
c + s--a wedding in b-b-b-bayside! ah well. i'll just have to wish them many rock-butted, hockey-playing children from afar.
[then attending TWO weddings in november. close (as in local and figuratively) peeps. must attend.]
c + l--in the philippines. beachfront condo is even reserved for guests, but we just can't swing the airfare what with my income soon vanishing into thin air.
oh yeah, providence update to come.
did i mention no more homework, no more books, no more teacher's dirty looks?!? well, at least for the time being. i'm out to celebrate with bear, bowling, and beer.


  1. Good God, that is a lot of weddings.

  2. That really is a lot of weddings.

    I hope you had some Coffee Milk in Providence!

  3. I feel you on the freedom. I don't know what to do with myself on Tuesday and Thursday. Enjoy it while you can!

  4. You and I could go the world record of wedding invites.

  5. yay for freed-up tuesYay nights!

  6. Damn, I don't have a single friend / relative getting married this year. At. All.

  7. Happy SUMMER!

    And please send your friends the memo limiting weddings to 2 a year.

  8. Holy shit sticks that's a lot of weddings! All in one year? Wow. I'm happy you've got your Tuesdays free...at least for the time being. :)

  9. oh my that is a lot of weddings and presents for all. i know its a nice gesture, but sure sucks on the wallet =)

  10. yay for free time!

    we have 3 weddings this year and i thought that was a lot. that schedule is crazy.

  11. My head is spinning FOR you....


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